Double Glazing Windows

Upgrade to high-quality double glazing windows for comfort and sustainability. Experience improved insulation, noise reduction, and energy efficiency in your home. Our double glazed glasses are Australian certified double toughened glasses filled with argon gas. Comply with AS2047.

JL Windows specialises in the customisation, installation, and replacement of double glazing windows. With 7 years of experience serving the Melbourne area, we’ve partnered with over 400 builders to ensure our products not only look stylish but also meet the highest standards of quality and safety. For more details, feel free to reach out to us at: 0481-818-785 or

Double glazing window involves using two glass layers in windows and doors, kept apart by a spacer, with a gap ranging from 6mm to 20mm between them. This gap is securely sealed and filled with argon gas, enhancing the insulation of the windows.

double glazed glass structure
Low E Glass
Double Low E Glass
Obscured Glass
European Grey Glass
Laminated Glass

Ideal for Any Weather

In Melbourne, double glazed windows are a popular choice for managing indoor temperatures, as they effectively reduce heat loss during the cold winters and keep interiors cool in the summer. Double glazing reduces heat loss through the thermal cushion and insulation of the air contained in the sealed unit. The gap between double glazed windows usually fills with an Argon layer. As cold air hits the pane of glass, the pane of glass transfers the temperature to the Argon gas layer. Argon gas has a 34% reduced thermal transfer rate to air and slows down the conduction of heat between two differing temperatures. In the same way, when the warm air from the room meets the internal pane of glass the Argon gas slows the transfer of the warmth from the inside out. And heat is retained in the room.

Reduced Energy Bills

Half of the energy used in Australian homes is the result of heating and cooling devices. Fortunately, installing double glazing windows can significantly cut down your need for electric heating or cooling, leading to savings on energy bills. In comparison to single glazed windows, double glazing can lower energy expenses by at least 20%.

Noise Reduction Benefits

Double glazing is typically filled with air or other sound insulation materials, effectively blocking sound waves’ transmission and reducing ambient noise. At the same time, a portion of the sound wave on the surface of the double glass will be reflected, while the remainder will be absorbed, lowering the vibration frequency and so reducing noise. So, many choose double glazing for its ability to substantially lower the amount of external noise that gets into the home. This can lead to a quieter, more serene living environment, potentially reducing stress and improving sleep.

Minimising Condensation

The air around us contains minute droplets of molecules that are invisible to the naked eye and condense when they come into touch with a cold surface, such as a windowpane. Our breath also emits water, and we frequently wake up in the morning to see condensation on our bedroom windows. Double glazing Each sealing unit has a crystalline desiccant within its divisions. The desiccant will extract water from the air gap, keeping the internal space between the glasses dry. Double glazing can prevent the formation of condensation, which often occurs on single glazed windows due to moisture in the air contacting the cooler surface of the glass. The warmer inner glass pane of double glazing windows stops this condensation from happening.

Contact JL Window & Doors for top-quality double glazing windows in Melbourne. We offer consultations and bookings to help improve your home’s insulation and comfort. For more details, feel free to reach out to us at: 0481-818-785 or

A spacer bar separates the two panes of glass in a double glazing window. We use spacer made of aluminum or a low-conductivity material like stainless steel or composite materials, reducing heat transfer.

The space between the two glass panes can be filled with inert gas, such as argon, krypton, or xenon, instead of air. These gases are better insulators than air, improving thermal efficiency by reducing heat loss.

We apply a microscopically thin metallic coating to one of the glass surfaces inside the insulated glass unit. This coating reflects heat back into the room during winter and out of the room during summer, without significantly reducing natural light.

For frames that conduct more heat (like aluminum), a thermal break – usually a plastic or rubber insert – is used to reduce the transfer of heat and cold through the double glazing windows, enhancing the window’s overall thermal efficiency.

Double glazing windows offer superior thermal insulation compared to single glazing windows due to the additional pane of glass and the insulating layer between them. This results in reduced heat loss during winter and better heat retention during summer, leading to lower energy consumption and cost savings. Moreover, double glazing windows provide better sound insulation, creating a quieter indoor environment by minimizing external noise transmission. Furthermore, double glazing windows offer improved security, as they are harder to break than single-pane windows, enhancing the safety of the property.

Investing in double glazing windows is often considered worthwhile due to the numerous long-term benefits they offer. While the initial cost may be higher than single-pane windows, the energy savings achieved over time can offset this expense. Additionally, double glazing windows can increase the resale value of a property and enhance its appeal to potential buyers. Furthermore, considering their durability and low maintenance requirements, they can provide cost savings over their lifespan. Ultimately, the improved comfort, energy efficiency, and potential savings make double glazing windows a valuable investment for homeowners seeking to upgrade their properties.

The lifespan of double glazing windows can vary depending on factors such as the quality of materials used, installation technique, and environmental conditions. However, on average, well-maintained double glazing windows can last anywhere from 20 to 30 years or more. Regular cleaning and inspection, along with prompt repairs if any issues arise, can help prolong their lifespan. Choosing reputable manufacturers and ensuring professional installation can contribute to the longevity of double glazing windows. Overall, with proper care and maintenance, homeowners can expect their double glazing windows to provide reliable performance and energy efficiency for decades.

Yes, it is possible to retrofit double glazing windows to existing homes, although it may require professional installation and modification of the window frames. Retrofitting involves removing the existing single-pane windows and replacing them with double glazing units. While this process can be more complex and costly compared to installing double glazing during new construction, it offers the same benefits of improved energy efficiency, sound insulation, and comfort. Homeowners considering retrofitting should consult with experienced window contractors to assess feasibility, determine the most suitable window designs, and ensure proper installation for optimal performance and longevity.

To ensure the longevity of double glazing windows, regular maintenance is essential. Start by cleaning the windows regularly using a mild detergent and water solution, avoiding abrasive cleaners that could damage the glass or frames. Inspect the seals and gaskets for any signs of wear or damage and replace them if necessary to maintain the windows’ energy efficiency. In addition, lubricate hinges and moving parts to ensure smooth operation and prevent corrosion. Check for any cracks or chips in the glass and address them promptly to prevent further damage. Finally, consider professional inspection and servicing every few years to identify any potential issues early and prolong the lifespan of your double glazing windows.

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